Shooting Sports
The link above will take you to the updated 2025 NHSRA Shooting Sports Guide. Below is a message from the NHSRA regarding this guide and the targets at nationals.
Please note, all updates/additions are bold, underlined, and in the color GREEN. Also, please be on the lookout for more information regarding the new electronic scoring system that will be used starting this year at both NJHFR and NHSFR. For now, I will provide a link here so that you all can review it, and should you want to show to your state competitors, you have it now. This link below will take you to view the targets that will be used at both national final events.
Scopos: 50yd. Conventional Rifle 6 Bull Target (Scanner/Camera)
PLEASE do not panic about the difference in targets! We are aware that they will look different that the normal ones most states use to shoot on all year, and we have prepared to let all national qualifiers practice on these new targets at both national final events during the practice days for light rifle at the ranges. This way they will be comfortable and ready to shoot on competition day!